Allgäu Batterie and Pramac sign cooperation agreement for battery storage systems
Haldenwang, 15.02.2024 – Pramac and Allgäu Batterie sign cooperation agreement
• In an extended region around the Allgäu, Allgäu Batterie will offer commercial battery storage systems from Pramac as a premium partner in the future
• Allgäu Batterie develops individual solutions for battery storage systems with the greatest possible customer benefit.
Now it’s official! Pramac and Allgäu Batterie have signed a cooperation agreement. Allgäu Batterie has already had battery storage systems from Pramac in its portfolio for two years. As a German manufacturer of energy storage solutions for trade and industry, Pramac covers a wide range of applications.
Over a million home storage systems have already been installed in Germany in recent years. What is already established in the home storage market is now expanding to the commercial storage market. As a future market, the commercial storage market has great potential as part of a sustainable energy transition. However, the requirements and possibilities of a battery storage system for trade and industry are much more complex than in the private sector. Project planning is extensive and the regulatory framework conditions are diverse. But Allgäu Batterie offers the right solution for this – advice and complete project planning as well as support over the entire service life. The modular design of Pramac products enables particularly cost-efficient solutions tailored to customer requirements.
Multi-use: combine and benefit
The use cases for battery storage systems are diverse – from optimizing self-consumption to peak shaving and integrating electromobility.
However, the scope of application of a commercial storage system is not limited to the local optimization of your own electricity costs but can also be integrated into the electricity markets.
The tailor-made energy management system makes it possible to provide storage flexibility on the energy markets through market mechanisms such as intraday trading, day-ahead spot market purchases and balancing power. The combination of applications creates economically highly attractive solutions. Allgäu Batterie takes on the development of these individual solutions so that the battery storage system leads to the greatest possible customer benefit. “Pramac supplies us with the products we need to develop customized solutions for our customers. This enables companies not only to participate in the energy transition, but also to benefit from the transformation of the energy system and make themselves fit for the future”, emphasizes Christian Mayr, Team Leader Battery Storage Systems at Allgäu Batterie.
Energy of the future with battery storage systems from Pramac
Allgäu Batterie made a conscious decision to cooperate with Pramac because the company supplies high-quality products for a wide range of customer applications. The products are durable, tried and tested and come with a 10-year manufacturer’s warranty. In addition, the power electronics are developed in Germany. Besides power electronics, Pramac also offers its own EMS (Energy Management System) to be prepared for the future. In the last two years, Allgäu Batterie has delivered battery storage systems from Pramac and has been able to convince itself of the quality of the products. The cooperation with Pramac is also characterized by mutual benefit. While Allgäu Batterie provides Pramac with expert knowledge about industrial batteries, Pramac supplies sophisticated and future-proof products. Allgäu Batterie offers its customers a suitable energy potential analysis and advice with the aim of achieving the greatest possible customer benefit when using Pramac’s battery storage system.
Pramac’s product portfolio includes storage solutions from 100 kWh to several MWh, which are offered both indoors and outdoors. The largest jointly realized project to date amounts to twice 2 MWh.
Outdoor storage system from Pramac with a capacity of 196 kWh.
View of a container storage solution. The storage facility has a capacity of 2.1 MWh.
Press contact:
Pramac | Marktstraße 185 | D-72793 Pfullingen und Merowingerstr. 7-9 | DE-70736 Fellbach
Marketing: Sabrina Föder | +49 711 517 429-48 | sabrina.foeder@pramac.com